Because that's what we do here
by Nigeltufnel (2017-04-11 07:38:38)
Edited on 2017-04-11 07:47:06

In reply to: They were #1 ten days ago.  posted by Otter

We know better than the rest and the answer to any and all disappointments is fire the coach. No coach (Waldrum, Clark, Brey, Jackson, Corrigan, Halfpenny other than Muffet (who has had some less than flattering coaching moments as of late) and Lou for which ND Nation serves as little more than an uncritical piece of hagiography)) is spared from the ND Nation wrath. Sure, Sir Alex Ferguson and the remainder of the soccer world thinks of Clark as one of the best minds in all of soccer but not Indy77 who knows better, calls for his ouster at every turn, refers to him as a choker etc. It's just what we do here.
