What a wonderful post - simply wonderful
by mkovac (2024-04-26 15:24:43)

In reply to: Friday Essay about our different athetic journeys and how  posted by RagingBull

Thank you for sharing this with us.

In my opinion, your post should be in ND Nation's Hall of Fame posts.

Your ability to create a sense of us being with you in many of your recollections is so very personal and so very clearly presented that I read and re-read your post several times and wished that I had met you when we were both at Notre Dame.

Here is just one selection from your post that gave me a visual sense of the person you were describing: "My coach was a gentleman science teacher..."

The word "gentleman" described the man in one word that I would have taken thirty or forty words to try to do what you did so perfectly.

I hope that you will grace The Back Room with more reflections because you write so very, very well.

Thank you.
