My goodness!
by mkovac (2024-04-26 18:49:16)

In reply to: I had what I thought was this. No help from a chiro. Saw a  posted by kellykapowski

Sometimes, I think we got a raw deal with evolution.

Couldn't we have evolved to live under water with a spine like sharks?

No fixed spinal column made of bone with all the attendant degeneration issues as we get older.

Sharks move around without dealing with joint damage and they don't have to live in buildings that need to be heated and cooled.

They don't have to go to work to pay for everything.

Cartilege rules. Hard bone degenerates into mush and pain.

Surely there is a planet with the most intelligent creatures live under water and live free and, well, don't have to worry about being eaten by an alpha predetor like killer whales.

Sigh. I can only dream.
