Because that strategy isn't guaranteed to work.
by domer4 (2024-04-19 12:22:33)
Edited on 2024-04-19 12:23:24

In reply to: what I have never understood is why not just make a  posted by kdh325

And you need way more than $500,000. At least a few million, and even then that might not work.

Read the story about Varsity Blues - the "leader" of this - Rick Singer - was a genius. He knew that the football and basketball coach wouldn't be influenced (could not be bought) by a few hundred thousand dollars - but a tennis or crew coach would.

He also knew that a few hundred thousand to just the university advancement office was no quarantee. But his strategy was a guarantee - get the olympic sport coach (who needs money for himself or his program) to put down the name on the list of recruits for this year - and bingo - nearly 100% chance of acceptance.