If you toggle from 'Cap Hits' to 'Avg Salary'
by IrishIowa20 (2024-04-23 15:20:38)
Edited on 2024-04-23 15:23:23

In reply to: WNBA salary cap and ND players of interest off topic  posted by Anotherjoe

You'll see Jackie Young as the highest paid player in the league. Jackie made a terrific decision by entering the draft when she did. It was disappointing for us, but now she's got two rings, a boatload of cash and is a key part of the most dominant franchise in the league. Vegas seems like a very up and coming sports town and the Aces' facilities seem to be top notch. Hopefully someday she'll return to finish her degree.

Also pretty cool to see 6 domers in the top 12!