Agreed. Interestingly, it's enough that he's angry. At ...
by Barney68 (2024-01-20 12:39:16)

In reply to: He's the archetype narcissist-populist  posted by Brahms

what or who does not matter. Anger = Good.

My eldest is in the business of lining old pipes with composite systems down in Florida. He was educated only in the school of hard knocks, having dropped out of high school (probably just in time to avoid expulsion) as a teen. Or at least I think he dropped out.

He shares this anger, albeit not sufficiently to support (as far as I know) the ex-president. He focuses it on more local targets including engineers and the corporate executives who send him truly stupid sets of instructions. I understand, because both sets of people have never been down in a manhole in their lives and have no idea what the work is actually like.

He feels comfortable sharing this anger with me, an engineer and therefore obviously an idiot, because I spent my share of time in manholes back in the '70s and understand what he's bitching about.

I'm sure that fishermen have the same worldview of the government folks who are there to help them (!) as my son does. It is, generally, with good reason.
