Counter Point: Republican Dreams of Replacing Joe Biden
by vermin05 (2024-02-09 17:27:13)

In reply to: Updated "who ya got and why?" poll for Biden replacements  posted by ravenium

And I quote:

“Why is it so difficult to accept that this is the strategy? For three reasons.

First, Biden does often look and sound so enfeebled it’s hard to believe that a political party would really be pinning all its hopes — including purportedly saving American democracy — on him. In the latest NBC News poll, 76 percent of voters have concerns about whether Biden has the requisite mental and physical health to be president for a second term — a threshold question of fitness that wasn’t there in 2020.

If anything, those numbers could go up.

Considering this, and his dismal polling generally, Republicans believe that there must be some plan, when as a matter of fact, Biden is the plan.

Second, each side of the political divide tends to think the other is shrewder, more conniving and more in control than it is. The reality is that both left and right are buffeted by events and political forces beyond their mastery. But since the Democrats have a political establishment that has maintained more sway than its GOP counterpart, and the Democrats are more capable of coherent actions (getting Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg to quit the 2020 primary at the same time to back Biden is an example), Republicans attribute more power to Democratic string-pullers than they should.

Finally, there’s always the psychological satisfaction of supposedly knowing what’s really going on beneath the surface, when usually the muddle of the surface — like being yoked to a flawed incumbent for the lack of realistic alternatives — is all that there is.

It’d certainly be interesting if Joe Biden were about to be swapped out for Michelle Obama in a premeditated plan to wrongfoot Republicans and coast to victory. In reality, Democrats, figuratively and literally, are stumbling ahead with the guy they’ve got.”

I’m of the same opinion short of a health emergency it’s not happening, it’s as wishful a thought as Donald Trump stepping down from the GOP nomination. As everyone outside of the GOP has come to grips with Trump being the GOP nominee so too do you all have to accept Joe Biden is going to be the democratic one. Also against Donald Trump as my other choice provided that that person is willing to live up to the oath and preserve, protect, and defend the US I’m voting for them. I very much fear the constitution being deposed as the law of the land if Orange Jesus wins again.
