The funny thing is folks who think....
by Marine Domer (2024-02-11 11:59:45)

In reply to: Good on all points. And you live in a state where it matters  posted by sorin69

I "can't see the difference." Here's the difference. Anyone with a reading comprehension above the 3rd grade level knows how I feel about Donald Trump. But that doesn't mean we should ignore, or refuse to discuss, problems with the current President or the left generally. The simple fact is those on the right on this Board, as a generalization and a group, have been far more forthcoming in discussing the problems with their "side" than have those on the left. [Insert reflexive response posts about false equivalencies; threats to the Republic; etc.]

Kali4niaND's reflexive reaction to any discussion about problems with President Biden or his policies is to "but Trump" it. Sprack's "oh FFS" add's precisely "Zero. Absolutely none" to the discussion.

I don't disagree about the full-throated hostility to Trump
by sorin69  (2024-02-11 19:11:59)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

evinced by many on this board: he is openly contemned by most of the board conservatives. I was talking about voters who would stay at home and not vote precisely because they can't see what amounts to a decisive difference between the two, or that a decisive difference does exist but does not involve matters touching on the existential well-being of the country, so they feel warranted in taking a pass. I had an exchange along these lines with El Kabong some weeks ago, though for him, it was a Democratic victory that touched on existential issues, and why he couldn't repeat his 2020 vote for Biden.