What actual evidence suggests you may be surprised?
by IrishJosh24 (2024-02-13 12:59:30)

In reply to: Because I know what the Democrats will do  posted by El Kabong

It's also interesting to see the argument that you won't vote for anyone who will spend in a way you don't like, apparently no matter what will happen as to other issues.

Random Person X litters on my street. Random Person Y litters, too, but he also says - repeatedly - he might someday stop littering. Y has also repeatedly expressed a desire to murder me, has bought weapons for the purpose, and has threatened me directly.

In a hypothetical election between X and Y, I can't imagine saying "well, both litter and I don't like that, so I guess I'm staying home." It isn't too hard to tell which one is the bigger threat, even if I don't like that X litters on my street, and even if Y sometimes says he'll stop littering (but, somehow, never does).