This reminds me of my first roommate
by ravenium (2024-02-18 19:10:21)
Edited on 2024-02-18 19:12:04

In reply to: That is my question what are people going to invest in if no  posted by wpkirish

I had a sneaking suspicion he was looking at my paychecks, because when I found him eating my leftovers one day, he said "well you make twice as much as me..."

"I don't eat twice as much as you," I replied.

I don't particularly especially like the way "regressive" gets bandied about, but how do these people figure that consumption will scale in such a way to make this sustainable? It seems to me it's more "let's take a more from more people, rather than a lot more from a few."

I admit that it works in the EU, but my suspicion is that it isn't just VAT.