A large % of guns recovered in Chicago crimes originated
by wpkirish (2024-02-21 15:35:07)

In reply to: How do gangs get their guns?  posted by vermin05

from just a couple of sellers.located outside the City limits. I am sure that is a coincidence. The iron pipeline from Southern States with limited gun restrictions to Northern States with more restrictive gun laws has been written about extensively. The State of Tennessee loosened their gun laws a decade ago to permit storing them in vehicles with no penalty for leaving them unsecured. During that time nearly 30,000 firearms have been stolen from vehicles. In 2022 there were 5,000 guns stolen from cars in the state.

I grew up with lots of friends who hunted and know many who have one for "protection" but this quote from the sponsor of the legislation exemplifies the problem to me

"Listen, freedom comes with some dangers. That's one of the things that made our country great is that we put the power in people's hands," said Rep. Jeremy Faison, an East Tennessee Republican who sponsored the 2013 legislation.

Then prosecute those sellers
by El Kabong  (2024-02-21 15:45:27)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

And prosecute the straw buyers purchasing the guns illegally.

What about gun show loopholes? What about mental health
by wpkirish  (2024-02-21 15:56:53)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply


The idea we can do nothing while kids die in their schools due to a tortured reading of the second amendment is shocking to me.

As Scalia wrote “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited,” “the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”

Gong back to the original idea,the wording may have been too broad but I would include gun rights groups who push the idea of no restrictions whatsoever and talk about second amendment solutions to elections are every bit the problem of the other groups.

I'm in favor of fixing both of those
by El Kabong  (2024-02-21 17:56:06)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

But the vast majority of red-flag laws in the country are never utilized. I would prefer they would be. I'm all in favor of prosecuting parents of underage shooters, for example.

And I think to the original point of this thread while the
by wpkirish  (2024-02-21 19:54:30)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

language may have been imprecide I believe vermin's original post would distinguish between your positions when they get fleshed out (which are likely in line with 90% of the gun owners) and those who say no restrictions ever.