by Kali4niaND (2024-02-21 20:23:24)

In reply to: Which brings it to $73B. Can’t wait for President Nuisance  posted by kellykapowski

Just about every Republican running for office is batshit crazy. They're all MAGA culture warriors, or pledge allegiance to the same.

Does that make a $73B deficit acceptable? Does that kind of
by kellykapowski  (2024-02-21 22:57:26)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

mismanagement not make you worry about the future of our country if he runs and wins?

Would you vote for him or Trump?
by ACross  (2024-02-22 09:27:43)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

I would not. I would still write in Haley.

I do like Newsome as a person. He likes the finer things.

But he is a train wreck on fiscal policy and I don't think he has the gravitas to be a world leader.

I'm more of a Jerry Brown man.
by Kali4niaND  (2024-02-22 10:59:06)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

And Newsom would not be at the top of my list for presidential candidates.

I don't think Newsom is a train wreck on fiscal policy. I think he's the conductor of a train that runs on a wreck of a fiscal policy tracks due to bizarre and irrational tax policies.

Imagine having to partially fund basic things like local law enforcement, fire protection, and education out of income taxes and other fees, because property taxes cannot be raised to fund the things they should be paying for.

Prop 13 is the root cause of most of California's fiscal woes. It prevents rational decision-making and trade-offs that most state governments can use as tools to fund government services. It also means that homeowners of the same tract homes on a single street, can have radically different property tax bills... even though they're receiving identical levels of government service.

I always struggle
by AquinasDomer  (2024-02-22 09:53:29)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

To think of how a governor in a state like California or Florida will govern. You have a supermajority and your success has more to do with navigating intraparty knife fighting than reaching across the aisle.

Would Newsome or DeSantis be able to deal with divided government? I have no idea. Each would probably be forced in a more moderate direction than in their home state.

We need the party bosses back so we can go back to having popular swing state governors as candidates.