How do you define "socialists"? *
by ACross (2024-03-24 17:34:24)

In reply to: Or the fraud and confusing primary process  posted by airborneirish

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I have learned to go with how folks publicly self identify
by airborneirish  (2024-03-24 20:07:46)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

Do you have any other ignorant things to state?

To be clear these are five people who have no role in
by wpkirish  (2024-03-25 10:50:22)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

administering the elections. Hell a couple of them arent even commiteemen anymore. LaSpata was kicked off the ballot because he did not have enough valid signatures. Yes one of the socialists you think is masterminding election theft could not even get organized to get his name on the ballot.

I look forward to you explaining why none of this is an issue if she holds on and Harris supporters start claiming fraud.

Do non-socialists often do interviews with Jacobin?
by AIRBORNEIRISH  (2024-03-25 11:13:55)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

The CTU is deplorable

I guess "housing is a human right" is a non-socialist chant of moderate democrats who believe capitalism increases quality of life for all.

Finally, I don't care who wins.

You apparently have only ever lived here and do not realize how ridiculously peculiar the February and March elections for municipal leadership is.

NY, LA, Phoenix, Houston, etc. - all of these cities have their elections in November.

Why do you think Chicago has its elections in February and March? Why do you think there is never buzz about dem primaries here? Whom does low turn out favor?

SDG and the vast majority of CTU are socialists and they scheme to keep average people from being aware of when to vote. It's disenfranchisement by structure.

The interview you posted does not include anyone in any
by wpkirish  (2024-03-25 12:41:51)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

role in adminstering the election. You are citing the few proud socialists as if they are running this election and stealing for their preferred candidte when they have no role in it whatsoever,

I am not certain what the issue of when the municipal elections are has to do with your allegations of fraud in connection with a non-municpal office in a primary during the same period of time most other states are holding primaries. To be honest I am not certain why Illinois municipal elections are held when they are but it is set by State statiute and they have been in April for as long as I can remember. I know you think everything you dont like is th fault of Dems but many of these old rules were set years ago by Republicans in Illinois (yes they once upon a time had most of the statewide offices and legislature). For instance the Illinois statewides offices are in non-presidential years due to a change in th state constituion from the convention that had more Republican delegates than Democratis delagates.

As you can see from the results the party is pretty evenly split here so the idea one side is setting the rules to help themselves is silly. The date has been what it has been forever and yes it favors incumbents and the better organized candidate but that would be true either way.

So the head of CTU, and CTU have no power in elections
by AIRBORNEIRISH  (2024-03-26 18:36:45)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

Are you trolling me? What is going on here?

Did you read what I wrote? I said they have no role in
by wpkirish  (2024-03-26 23:28:22)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

Administering the election and they don’t. Guess what there are employees in that office who are supporting both candidates. This isn’t 1956 the idea you can get away with the type of fraud you are alleging is laughable. Hell the Republican lawyer who spent his life chasing proof admits he never found any.

What are you going to say when she holds on to win? Will the election be legitimate? The problem is very basic the elected officials who supported her suck at getting people to the polls and people who have been complaining about Kim Foox didn’t care enough to turn out to vote. You talked about how the time of year was used to depress turnout which completely ignores the fact the primary two years ago was in June and turnout was basically the same.

If they uncover evidence of fraud the people should be prosecuted and thrown in jail. I think the more likely explanation is after David Orr’s retirement you have a bunch of people without much experience in charge and they made mistakes. Hell even both campaigns have said that.