it definitely doesn't make sense
by ravenium (2024-04-15 11:29:35)
Edited on 2024-04-15 12:10:59

In reply to: That wasn’t what I was responding to, though  posted by mocopdx

And is a one line emotipost that provides nothing.

I think because trump is so uniquely incompetent and embarrassing to traditional conservatives, many of them (rightly) have a bit of ennui in their choices this fall. They're not going to magically change all their principles to Democratic Party ones, and why should they? I totally get that!

However, some of them have instead chosen to take one of two routes:

- try to make Biden "just as bad" somehow, vs "wrong within normal parameters".

- attack the straw man that does not exist here; namely the rabid pro Biden voter.

Look, I'd kill for a ranked choice situation and a way out of this ever polarizing binary situation we're in. But we're a long way from "meh I don't care for Bush/Obama but life goes on".