That's not being a jerk.
by IrishApache (2023-12-31 18:05:27)

In reply to: I will be a total jerk here.  posted by ewillND

You did the correct, noble, and responsible thing, and deserve tremendous credit for it. What you did, and what my son's Catholic school teachers did in 2020, was nothing short of heroic because of the leadership it demonstrated.

But it misses the larger point being made... that policy makers this side of the pond were willingly ignoring the data you provided, other public health data re: Covid and the young, and later data provided the American Catholic Schools, just to placate special interests. They put politics above science, and hurt America's children in the process.

I don't think anybody is gloating. It was infuriating then and it is infuriating now, because as BI pointed out in the original post, nobody has been held to account... and this failure diminishes regard for our public institutions. Airborne is pissed, and rightfully so.

I don't think it's fair to paint the public health people
by AquinasDomer  (2023-12-31 21:15:41)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

With that broad a brush. This is an interview with Ashish Jha who Biden put in charge of COVID policy for a while. He was pushing to be more aggressive on opening schools in fall of 2020 but doing it in an evidence based way.

Normally you'd have a competent executive response and public health would provide information to balance risks vs benefits and such. Instead you had the president reject basic scientific facts and push reopening with no adjustment to the reality on the ground. Fauci had to co traditional POTUS on live TV not over policy but basic science.

That led to a false dichotomy over 100% open vs 100% lock down. A lot of governors on the left defaulted to the maximal shutdown possible instead of balancing factors like reasonable governors (examples being Polis in Colorado and Dewine in Ohio).

I fear the next time we have a pandemic (and I expect another in my lifetime) our lesson will be we should have YOLO'd the last one.

I agree with everything in this interview. *
by ewillND  (2024-01-02 12:14:39)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply