Jackson MS hit an all time murder record in the post Floyd
by AquinasDomer (2024-01-01 14:12:25)

In reply to: New Orleans is absolutely included in the group that  posted by WilfordBrimley

Year. Red states have seen murder increase at a rate higher than blue states from 2003 to 2023. The jump immediately post Floyd was substantial and even between red and blue states.

I also recall reading about substantial disorder/protesting in the wake of Floyd in Nashville Atlanta and Miami off the top of my head.

Personally I think the rioting vs protesting levels were multifactorial including real slights over police misconduct and prevelance of leftist nutjobs (Portland being the standout there). I recall some very blue areas doing well during that period. Camden was I think a good example as they reformed their police dept. Prior to Floyd and saw fewer issues.

