I was in Paris about a decade ago for NYE
by DBCooper (2024-01-02 17:06:42)

In reply to: I didn't mean to trigger you, I promise.  posted by ewillND

It certainly was cold that weekend, but luckily I was prepared. A few years after college I was in Toronto when it was like -10F. That was without the windchill. I had on winter clothing, but had plenty of skin exposed on my face, because I thought I was tough. I walked 2 blocks from my hotel to a restaurant and holy shit that was painful.

People who live year round in Canada, and I’m sure parts of the Northern Europe too, are absolutely nuts.

I’ve been to Germany for Octoberfest and to Berlin and Frankfurt in the summer. But, have never been there when it’s cold. I’m sure it’s beautiful in the winter.

Apologies for my quick temper. As I mentioned above, the Michigan win last night has really messed me up. Need another 24 hours to decompress.

Have a great 2024 too.