My wife taught in a poor Catholic school in Chicago
by mjmcend (2024-01-03 18:32:17)

In reply to: The problem with what you've been saying in these posts is..  posted by IrishApache

that went back in person late August 2020.

The school was in a poor, multi-generational neighborhood. The 100 year old school had windows that didn't open, poor ventilation and 28 kids with less than 3 feet between desks. Her second graders did a great job overall with masks, but they still often took them off especially while eating lunch daily at their desks. No mass outbreaks, no really sick kids, and no dead abuelas despite their presence in person in school. Plus the poor everywhere had parents all working essential and manual labor jobs where they had no luxury to work home. It was stunningly clear it was safe for children of all socioeconomic levels to be in person, in school in the fall of 2020. And the science was there based on the bravery and dedication of teachers in Europe (like ewill) and in Catholic schools.

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) did the same bullshit lobbying as NYC. What still galls me to this day is that CPS teachers and admins were 1st in line behind medical professionals for the vaccine BEFORE Catholic school teachers DESPITE not teaching in person in the spring of 2021. What a scandal that should be. Pure selfishness of the CTU and pure cowardice by Chicago's political leadership to be cowed by their lobbying. And don't forget the CTU board member on her Caribbean vacation, tweeting support for not returning to in person teaching.

Amen. But CTU still wants COVID tests before back to schoop
by airborneirish  (2024-01-09 16:41:40)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

In 2024! No rsv test. No flu test. Covid. 2024. These are the people who make decisions. Idiots.

Thank you for this. *
by IrishApache  (2024-01-03 22:22:11)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply