Comparing your kid to Appalachia is key
by dulac89 (2024-01-07 11:13:51)
Edited on 2024-01-07 14:07:31

In reply to: A Few thoughts. Apologies for it being long  posted by wpkirish

The idea of a meritocracy only works when you have two candidates that are otherwise equal in their baseline. If two people are in a race, but one has a weight shackled to one leg is the person that wins the race really the fastest person?

Is the kid who got straight A’s and a 1500 SAT but had tutors and multiple SAT prep classes really smarter than the kid who got a 1350 on the SAT and got A’s and B’s on the hardest classes that their school offered, without a tutor or prep class, and while working every day at an after school job?

That is the challenge that I think everyone is struggling with. I would argue that kid may be a stronger candidate than the rich white kid

My kids are certainly very smart, but I don’t know if they would’ve accomplish what they accomplished without the resources we gave them.
