Should we rank the politicians that won?
by EricCartman (2024-01-16 18:25:17)

In reply to: Still with the "business person?"  posted by Revue Party

From the end of WWII:

Top tier: Reagan, Truman, and Clinton

Mid range: Ike, JFK, LBJ, Bush 41, Obama

Needs improvement: Nixon, Ford, Carter, W, Trump

Biden is too soon to rank.

Look around, the people that run for office these days are clowns. The serious ones leave, and new clowns take their place. I’m open to a governor in 2024 from either party. But all that I see is two old dudes yelling at clouds. Until a better option appears, I’ll continue to hope for better alternatives regardless of their background.

Also, Hoover got boned by the Fed. He was helpless to prevent the Great Depression. And the Fed would have made FDR a bottom tier president too, if he had only served two terms.
