Handling and coverage of the US hostages leaves much to be
by G.K.Chesterton (2024-01-18 00:18:24)


We have 5-6 (or is it 8?) American hostages being held captive for over 100 days but press coverage has been low-key until recently when we hit the 100-day mark. What I find fascinating is that I looked at two stories from thehill.com and abcnews.com as a random sample and while the stories mentioned American and Israeli hostages, the stories didn't actually mention *how many* US hostages were being held. Is that what they were taught in journalism school?

At least the White House press release on the hostages mentioned "as many as six" in their release, but what is President Biden doing about this? Up until now, we haven't seen much of anything externally. This lack of action will only encourage more hostage taking of Americans around the world. If there's a surprise attack tomorrow and they are all freed, great, but until then, one can assuming there is dithering going on. That's assuming they are still alive, of course.

It sure would be nice if President Biden would make an appearance at a press conference and take more than a few non-planted questions on a variety of topics.