Plenty of human degradation has been caused
by krudler (2024-01-18 14:58:22)
Edited on 2024-01-18 15:03:02

In reply to: I don't think populism is much better  posted by ravenium

by poor economic policies (see Venezuela and what percentage of the illegal immigrants crossing our border are now Venezuelans). The people being thrown from helicopters, or gulags, or other camps are typically the enforcement method for leftist economic policies (see >100M dead in the 20th century due to communist/socialist regimes).

As noted, their stock market has rebounded significantly, trust in their economy is improving, and yes, he does have plenty of ideas. You should take a look. You seem to be coming at this from a perspective of personal animus rather than anything fact-based, but I'll reserve judgment on him until we can see some longer term results. Perhaps he'll crash and burn as you hope, but perhaps he won't.

Oh, undoubtedly
by ravenium  (2024-01-18 16:06:59)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

I am not defending planned economies by any stretch of the imagination. Whether it's Mao or Castro, they have resulted in mass starvation and little to no improvement. Venezuela hung their hat on oil and is paying the consequences.

My contention is that cruelty is not the province of a political ideology - cruelty is cruelty. I am no fan of communism, dictatorships, or otherwise, but I don't think the right or left have a monopoly on terror.

I am not "rooting" for anyone's downfall - I hope the best for Argentina and I defer to BI's historical knowledge of the region. Given that markets are based on spirit animals and optimism, I am not surprised they are going up "anything" is better than the mismanagement they had previously.

I merely find Milei to be a showman, and I have a severe distrust of populism, but as you said, time will tell.

As our previous idiot of a president taught us…
by four pillars  (2024-01-18 20:46:50)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply

…”showmanship” seems to be required to get elected. Perhaps the only requirement sadly. But maybe a showman who isn’t a buffoon and who actually has a strong economic background can make something work.

Hopefully he doesn’t rely solely on his dogs.

Fair enough. I can respect that. Cheers. * *
by krudler  (2024-01-18 16:13:07)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Cannot reply