I can just picture the cold opening for SNL after the
by 88_92WSND (2024-01-20 00:56:48)

In reply to: What the actual F (link)  posted by sprack

Trump Biden debate this fall.

"Ordinarily at this point in the show, we'd be doing a skit featuring the Presidential debate this past week. James Johnson and Mikey Day would step up here as caricatures of President Trump and President Biden and offer a satirical spin on the fumbles and flubs from Tuesday night. But we can't. Lord knows we tried. We reached out to some of the finest comic minds in the world. We've spent four long days living on HoHos and Churro Frappacinos trying, desperately, to come up with something. But between Don's rambling and Joe's whispers...we can't. . It was like a damned Abe Simpson lookalike contest out there. You can't do satire when reality is so bizarre...."

Here's hoping that the pace and pressure of the trials are enough to bring him to a full Captain Queeg moment - ranting about strawberries and rolling steel balls in his hands.