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Both parties have changed from forty years ago. by Jfs86

Democrats were the party of working man versus republican the party of the rich. Back in the 1970 - 1980s there were pro-life democrats.

Now, the rich are voting for the Democrats and the poor and working class for the Republicans. The percentage of blacks voting for democrats is trending down slightly.

There is no longer a consistency on defense and trade. It is disgusting of Carlson saying positive things about our adversaries. But, before we deplatform Tucker, what do we do about Tik Tok? What do we do about many government policies?

I will vote for Donald Trump. Or, any Republican on the ballot. Many here imply it is beyond the pale. I respect the republicans who won't vote for him. He is not a man I respect. He is not the man I want to be or my kids to be. He is an amoral and immoral narcissist.

I have seen some YouTube videos about a Saint's vision of hell and his explanation. His point is people don't go to hell for being wicked. They go because they aren't good enough for heaven. I see both Trump and Biden not worthy of being president.

I will vote for the republican because I put life, specifically abortion, as the most important issue. There are posters who despise singles issue voters. They expect voters like me to give up our principles and be more pragmatic. They never throw us a bone and say abortion isn't that important. You want it to be illegal, we will make it illegal. But now listen to us on Ukraine, immigration and loan forgiveness. Never seems to happen.

I will vote for a republican because the democrats are making policy decisions I think weaken America, reduce our liberties and some are evil.

They weaponize the FBI, IRS and DOJ by going after prolifers, Catholics and parents.

I will vote for republicans because of last weekend funeral at St Patrick Cathedral in NY. I will vote against democrats because of last summer Dodger game. I will vote against the people who support the satanic temple. Those people raffle off a prize to pay for an abortion.

So to all those who say that is unacceptable to vote republican. I say the democrats are worse. If I have to denounce every republican because for January 6, you have to denounce the Satanists and all abortion supporters. You may not agree with my values. I think of the policies and tactics of the democrats are worse.