Profile for DOMERFROMKANSAS Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5 10 Weight:  170 lbs. Alumni Status:  B.A. 1972
Location:  Mid Atlantic Favorite Baseball Team:  Cubs and Royals
Natural Enemies:  Hypocrites of all stripes. Michigan fans

Athletic Ability: Only guy in my dorm who lettered in golf in high school and not football. (Slightly exaggerated).

Sartorial Style: Lawyer/golfer.

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: 1 beer and a glass or two of red wine.

Political Philosophy: Free market oriented limited government country club Republican

Religious Philosophy: Catholic

Musical Favorites: Italian baroque, bluegrass and hard bop jazz. And Pat Matheny.

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Act like you've been there before

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