Profile for KDH325 Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  5'11 Weight:  205 lbs. Alumni Status:  grad school 1986
Location:  Favorite Baseball Team:  redbirds
Natural Enemies:  cubs, bears, skunkbears

Athletic Ability: good enough to play in h.s., but just barely; black belt

Sartorial Style: jeans and tee shirts

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: water

Political Philosophy: fuck 'em all

Religious Philosophy: do we have to go to church?

Musical Favorites: u2, beatles, van morrison, the dead

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Joe Kuharich, on his first day of spring practice: "Aw, shit, did anyone bring any footballs?"

Miscellaneous Data: Certified strength and conditioning coach