Profile for RAM Click here to make or adjust profile

Height:  Weight:  lbs. Alumni Status:  subway
Location:  southwest PA Favorite Baseball Team:  Giants
Natural Enemies:  Big government

Athletic Ability: pretty fair high school wrestler, district champ, captain, etc
avid softball player for 35 years; currently playing "Senior League," a traveling 60 and over league
I also compete in 5K races and run about 20 miles/week
I hit the hardwood in the winter--still able to compete with the 25-35 year olds on a regular basis

Sartorial Style: sloppy

Favorite Beverage and Consumption Freq: I like to blow the froth off of a few from time to time. Not real particular as long as it's cold and wet.
I have a kegerator installed at the office of my small (20 people) business.

Political Philosophy: libertarian (with a small "l")
The only good government is a small government

Religious Philosophy: raised Catholic but agnostic at a relatively early age

Musical Favorites: Stones, Beatles, Who, Steely Dan

Favorite Quote from an ND Coach: Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.
Save Jimmy Johnson's ass FOR ME!

and about 20 others from Lou

Miscellaneous Data: I never miss an Irish football game and have been a fan for 50+ years. I also watch both basketball teams whenever they are on TV and/or on the internet if I can get a feed.