Big difference is the Russians didn't bomb 200 schools. *
by LondonDomer (2018-02-14 16:32:53)

In reply to: It's depressing but I'm not sure it's much different than...  posted by NavyJoe

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I remember those drills and the threat seemed remote
by ndwifemom  (2018-02-14 18:18:38)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Even to little kids, who lived in houses that never had locked doors, walked to and from school unattended with no fear, and played in “the woods” near our house without ever thinking that a pedofile could be lurking nearby.

I feel for parents of kids today. Add social media and all its negative side effects and they have it tough.