Books. Hardcover, first edition, first printing but ...
by Barney68 (2018-08-16 13:55:44)

In reply to: Follow up from post below, what do you collect?  posted by Endthecursein05

I do have some that don't meet those criteria; special cases as 'twer. An old Vonnegut, for example. I try to keep focused on modern stuff, mostly mysteries or spy stories or thrillers, but, again there are exceptions. Vonnegut ...

The author list is far too long to present but I'm particularly happy with my early Parkers and early Clancys (but Red October ain't among them). Most of the early Parkers and Clancys are signed. Almost all are in good enough condition to count as collectible.

All in all, a couple thousand volumes. I always have something to read.