That will never happen
by DakotaDomer (2018-12-12 19:54:36)

In reply to: It should be treated the same as DUI.  posted by Bruno95

Try to pass and enforce a law where no one can legally check their email while in the driver’s seat.

Force phone makers to change their code.
by EricCartman  (2018-12-13 11:54:45)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

If the phone is moving faster than five MPH, only GPS and music apps and the phone works.

Passengers can deal with it. There would need to be some workaround for public transportation.

If people want to be assholes and text and drive, then society should tighten the screws on them and take away a privilege that has been abused.

Georgia instituted a law this year
by buffaloirish  (2018-12-13 08:39:51)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

It's your basic "hands-free" law. I still see a ton of folks on my commute with their phone in their lap, and the driver staring down at it, looking up at the road every few seconds. You are correct that it is basically impossible to enforce.

On the other hand, it does change some behaviors. I drive older cars that are not pre-wired for bluetooth connections, so I went out an bought adapters, that allow me to answer calls hands-free. I probably wouldn't have done that if the law hadn't been passed. So I suppose the law is making some marginal impact.