Today the murals. Tommorrow the Dome.
by 21TAS (2019-01-20 16:06:06)

In reply to: Admin Building Columbus murals to be covered.  posted by John88

Won't be long before we start erasing those aspects of History which are offensive to .... well, anyone who wants to take offense.

How long before someone somewhere decides to be offended by public displays of Catholicism and demands action. No more Mary on the Dome?

How long before Father Sorin is a target for having planted this university smack dab in the middle of native american indigenous territory. Darn missionaries. Messing up with local indigenous minds and culture. No more University of .... what?

How long before someone gets tired of the "Fighting Irish" meme and decides it is offensive.

This is political correctness gone totally over the top.

I am disgusted with this decision.