I think I've said this the last three years
by harmonica (2019-01-22 09:37:36)
Edited on 2019-01-22 17:27:32

In reply to: Oscar Nominations  posted by rutfilthygers

But to me this was by far the weakest movie year since at least the '90s. I didn't see as many movies as usual (in particular, I haven't gotten to Burning, Mandy, American Animals, Blindspotting, or Cold War), but I still saw about 30-35.

It was so bad I made a top eight instead of a top ten.

The Favourite
The Death of Stalin
Eighth Grade
Sorry to Bother You
Into the Spider-Verse
You Were Never Really Here

If this were 2014 or 2015, only the top three would make the list.

Edit: I forgot about First Reformed, which I'd put 4th or 5th.
