I did #3 last August
by sprack (2019-02-20 18:22:54)
Edited on 2019-02-20 18:32:14

In reply to: My three  posted by El Kabong

What's great about it is you start in central London and end up in central Paris (or vice versa) in less time than it takes to ride the slooooow-boat-to-China South Shore to South Bend from Chicago.

Other than that, it's a European high speed train. And security is not normal train station security (i.e. practically nonexistent), it's airport security. Oh, and the UK is outside the Schengen area, so you're going to go through passport control and customs.

Oh, and when you're in the Chunnel, there's nothing to see out the window. Not even downtown Gary, Indiana.

But it does beat what's in second place by a country light year.
