There is a poster here..
by TWO (2019-03-18 15:36:19)

In reply to: He's visiting colleges as HS Freshman? Isn't that a  posted by 3rdSt

who has been a college counselor for a long time, that is advising kids and parents on a path that leads to increased chance of acceptance to the university they desire.

While I don't believe he made recommendations on the start of actual visitations, the start of the the actual process of working on that goal starts even earlier than freshman year of HS. The process he recommends might be one that you shake your head at but it he has a track record.

Sure, I understand that to get into a selective college
by 3rdSt  (2019-03-18 16:01:58)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

you better be aiming for that goal before HS. I just thought the actual narrowing down of schools you may apply to, and thus visit, would occur later in High School.