Flat Earth Supporters Now Plan An Antarctica Expedition To
by Walsh69 (2019-03-18 16:28:43)
Edited on 2019-03-18 17:41:22

The Edge Of The World from 'Forbes'

“Stupid is as stupid does.” —Philosopher Forrest Gump

I think I saw this in one of the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies when the ship sailed off the edge. So I know it’s true, but is was definitely not in Antarctica.

It's likely that the edge is in North Korea. That is definitely unexplored territory. If they go there the IQ of both country's would increase.

We are now living in an age where opinions trump science and facts.

I originally thought this article must have appeared in the 'Onion.' To give themselves an edge, the searchers are probably carrying parachutes in the event they fall off the edge. Life preservers would likely be more useful. I suspect that if any of the team went to college, their parents had to use William Singer's company to get them in.

And, how exactly did they determine that the edge might be found in Antarctica? Maybe it's just the leader's opinion, or they discerned it from consulting a Ouija board or a Magic 8 Ball Stay tuned for more of where this stuff comes from.

Maybe they should look in the oceans.It's the most unexplored areas on the planet. I'm sure they'll figure it out.
