btw, I was kidding on the commitment part
by Doggie (2019-06-18 15:33:01)
Edited on 2019-06-18 15:36:21

In reply to: I think you are probably right on several fronts.  posted by Steelhop

It wasn't by any means a comment about your son. It was really directed at the folks making the selection needing an excuse to "explain" their decision.

To a certain extent, I've been down your path. Playing in a very good and large "house" baseball league over many years, my son was always a very good player at a key position and probably should have made their travel squads a number of times but didn't because we were never a part of the in-crowd that ran the league. The sons and pals of the big shots in the league always made the travel teams. Funny thing is I became part of the league apparatchik group when I was the #2 guy in our college age league and saw what a bunch of ass clowns some of these guys really were.

But it worked out well in the long run because my son did other things with his time (i.e., becoming a well-regarded umpire in the league) that he had fun at. I fully believe that the skills he learned in being an umpire in a youth league were far more valuable that being a catcher on a travel squad.

I probably felt the way you did at the time when my son was disregarded but he had a great fun and made lifelong friends playing house baseball.