I’m sorry your question got lost
by Father Nieuwland (2019-06-22 12:22:03)
Edited on 2019-06-22 12:46:03

In reply to: Slight hijack: Poll regarding the majority view below.  posted by Dutch

I think it is a worthwhile topic.

I’m going to pass on the agree or disagree on Catholic marriage teaching section - I’m not close enough to God nor the theology to have an informed opinion, and God did not give me the Keys to the Kingdom. I accept the teaching.

I wish this (and a few other teachings on human sexuality) did not receive the emphasis that it seems to receive from some decision makers in the Church and, in turn, to wider audiences by media reports.

I don’t think this or other “behind closed doors” sexual sins (premarital sex, divorce, masturbation, etc) are likely to influence others off the path to salvation. Again, I’m not saying they are not sins - that’s not my call. But I think jeopardy to others from these is minimal to none, and the emphasis on sanctions such as job loss for it are more likely to cause a harmful repercussion of deterring other from the Catholic Church and the path to peace in Earth and eternal life in Heaven.

To borrow from the old story about the teacher with the jar and the rocks and stones (one retelling linked below, I think the Church is better off filling up people’s jar with the big rocks first before we worry about fitting in these little stones.

Should this make a school non-certifiable as Catholic? What makes the school Catholic?

Do my unrepentant sins today make me no longer Catholic? What have I done today to demonstrate that I am Catholic?

I’m more comfortable throwing stones at the Bishop or the school than to answer that last question for myself.