"Roll your own" N95 mask
by 88_92WSND (2020-02-28 12:20:13)

Colleague of mine was a medic who did a bunch of tours with some SOF groups at various locations around the world. Over lunch a few days ago, he was talking about some of the weirder training they got going into more remote regions where supplies would be hard to come by (there'd been some idle discussion on the news about masks getting to be in short supply). He mentioned some training they'd gotten on improvised safety gear.

Out of curiosity, I did some googling, and came across an article in Journal of Special Operations Medicine (who would have thought there was such a niche magazine) that referenced an earlier CDC study on making a functional particulate mask from a T-shirt.
Article is not very long, but thought it was interesting the factors that went into the design (can it be done with common items, can it be done without extensive training, etc).

Looks like you've strapped a diaper to your face...

But it's not nearly as funny looking as a "bread riot helment"