Waist to Height ratio is generally better ...
by NDFanSince81 (2020-02-28 17:14:22)

In reply to: BMI is an absurd measure  posted by atl_irish

There's a decent amount of evidence that the simple ratio of one's waist divided by one's height is a better predictor of risks to health than BMI.

The rationale is that visceral fat carried within one's midsection has more to do with health risks than subcutaneous fat distributed through the body. So a simple waist measurement can carries more valuable information than weight.

In case you're wondering, a ratio of 0.5 is the boundary value above which there are increased health risks. The 'OK' range is 0.4 to 0.5, the 0.5-0.6 range is the 'take care' range, above 0.6 is the 'take action' range.
