Oh, my best estimation
by terramarirish (2020-05-30 20:08:01)
Edited on 2020-05-30 20:12:14

In reply to: Well don’t hold out now! Give us your best estimation  posted by potatohouse

was nowhere near the genuine article. I think it involved whatever shitty light rum I could get my 17 year old hands on and some Hawaiian Punch.

Luckily one of us was smart enough to ask for the recipe, they were nice enough to share it, and my mom is organized enough to still know where it is. She just texted me a pic of the piece of paper they wrote it out on 20-ish years ago. Here you go:

Remember 1, 2, 3, 4

1 part sour: lime juice
2 parts sweet: strawberry syrup
3 parts strong: Wray & Nephew overproof light rum
4 parts weak: Water

Throw in a few pimento seeds and 12-15 grains of rice & stir.

I can’t remember if it’s supposed to be drunk up or with rocks...soooo dowhatchalike.

