They hit a hell of a lot more than that
by IRISHNC12 (2020-05-31 17:13:20)

In reply to: In GR they hit the Art Museum and Kilwin’s Fudge  posted by graNDfan

This riot will cost my company well over 100k. We can handle it. But almost every business destroyed was owned by a small business owner or partners that were barely surviving after 3 months of forced closure. Their kitchens were ransacked and their bars were emptied.

Many good people have worked very hard for the last 30 years to make downtown Grand Rapids a place for entertainment, to work and now live. We were also working hard on the retail. Yesterday was a huge blow.

I understand the larger societal issues. But to say it’s just property damage and there is no personal damage or damage to our community. I say bullshit.