I became a single parent...
by John88 (2020-07-01 21:51:17)
Edited on 2020-07-01 22:54:22

In reply to: How do single parents do it?  posted by Chigurh

following the unexpected death of my first wife. It seemed overwhelming. I’ve been there, I made it and so will you.

You are right to focus on your daughter. She may not realize it now, but what you are doing to care for her will pay huge dividends in the years ahead. She will be much better for it and one day realize the sacrifices you are making now. Keep it up.

Find some time to take care of yourself too. You can’t be a good single parent if you don’t take care of yourself physically, socially and spiritually.

I wish you good fortune, and am here to tell you there are better days ahead.