How to monitor/limit gaming/screen time for a teenager
by baronbutler (2020-08-07 14:07:20)

My son (14) recently got a PC for gaming and plays games primarily using the steam platform. Prior to that he had a PS4 and it was fairly easy for me to monitor when he had logged onto it. With the PC, I've tried using Norton Family, but have found that it is spotty with how it works and doesn't really do what I would like, which is simply to have the capability to remotely shut it down or set up a timer so that it can only be used during certain hours. Has anyone had any success with setting up something like this? I think I might be able to set it up for a specific number of hours a day but this is complicated by the fact that sometimes the computer is used for things other than gaming (like using effects for the electric guitar) but maybe this is the best option.

I'm generally not opposed to his gaming but think that there have to be some limits and would love to have something that is more or less hands off. Also, what do people think is a reasonable amount of daily time right now considering other means of socializing is more or less off limits? I'm sure someone out there has tackled this issue so any advice would be very much appreciated.
