PSA: Here are the Bob's Burgers Thanksgiving episodes.
by No Right Turn on Red (2020-11-24 23:14:30)

I assume the reason no one has asked yet is that you already have these episodes memorized, but just in case, here they are for quick reference (streaming on Hulu). Perfect non-NFL viewing while in your best Sweater Casual.

Season 3, Episode 5: An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal

Season 4, Episode 5: Turkey in a Can

Season 5, Episode 4: Dawn of the Peck

Season 6, Episode 4: Gayle Makin' Bob Sled

Season 7, Episode 6: The Quirk-ducers

Season 8, Episode 5: Thanks-Hoarding

Season 9, Episode 7: I Bob Your Pardon

Season 10, Episode 8: Now We're Not Cooking with Gas

Season 11, Episode 7: Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid
