I'm pretty much right there with you.
by CMillar (2021-04-15 13:38:20)

In reply to: I’m optimistic that reasonability will prevail eventually.  posted by kormal

I expect to see lots of masks on the L for years to come.

That's at least something with a predicate
by ravenium  (2021-04-15 13:49:52)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Not that I think we'll ever be Asia, it's not exactly the end of the world when they do it on public transport, and what a world if people actually wore masks when they themselves were sick.

However, I have friends, relatives, and co-workers who have latched on to every "CDC: people still dying with vaccine!" article out there as proof they'll never have to go out again. I get it, we're all a little scared, but dammit, risk elimination is not going to be a thing.

For my .02, ideally I'd love to see rates of infection fall along with increased vaccinations for some period before declaring the all clear, but that's a hell of a hard call.