The NIH link has been out for a few months and the CDC
by ndgenius (2021-04-15 16:38:41)

In reply to: Not to start a whole second subthread on it...  posted by ndroman21

site says that reinfection is "rare" me, rare is 1% or less which would make the natural antibodies 99% effective against reinfection. Certainly they are 75% effective which would be greater than one of the vaccines on the market.,lasting%20immune%20memories%20after%20vaccination.

When covid first came out, herd immunity was talked about as "70% of the population has to have had it." Now, only the vaccine is a way to have herd immunity. I call BS on that and I think it's spin for messaging for people to get the vaccine. I understand why, there's a ton of people out there who say "I 'know' I had it way back when" which is also most likely total BS and they should be getting the vaccine.

Regardless, I have had covid and have now completed both shots so I don't want to wear a stupid mask anymore and I want to go to a Red Wings game.