What's your proposed # for your edit?
by brewcitydomer (2021-08-02 17:24:07)
Edited on 2021-08-02 17:26:53

In reply to: I can't figure out why this is even up for debate.  posted by FaytlND

It seems as though your answer is zero, which feels like one of the underlying concerns (another being the risks to children being used to justify shutting down schools again, an absolutely unacceptable resolution at all levels). If zero childhood COVID deaths is the only scenario wherein masks can be discarded, we will be masking until the end of time. Maybe that's okay, but that's what's implied.

My proposed number is "as few as possible".
by FaytlND  (2021-08-02 18:54:48)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

I agree it's not going to be zero, but I think it's backwards to suggest the burden should be on people supporting masks to show they might prevent "enough" deaths.

I mean, based on the fact that 350 (at least) died with many schools shut down or using masks/distancing, the number won't be zero. So the question is what kind of increase (plus general disruptions to clarrooms if there are outbreaks) is everyone willing to tolerate to not have to wear them. Ultimately, the problem is that you don't get a do-over.

And it's not forever. It's until vaccines are approved for 2+, which should hopefully be by early next year.

Thanks that’s very helpful *
by brewcitydomer  (2021-08-02 20:23:45)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post