That's terrifying.
by potatohouse (2021-09-29 10:27:22)

In reply to: Carjackings: stay vigilant  posted by airborneirish

So glad you made it out physically unscathed (Rudy, too!). I'm terribly sorry that this will clearly have you rethink you entire living situation. That is such a stressful disruption. I know you touched on it, but certainly do not allow the mental/psychological/emotional trauma to get brushed under the rug. Talk with someone if you need to. Don't try to shoulder burdens you don't have to.

And I echo the thanks for turning your awful encounter into a shared lesson. It's easy to get complacent or cavalier about such things. When I was in town this past weekend and down in Chicago Lawn at my buddy's restaurant, we were joking about how shook people get. It's obviously a bad area but the stories of people being too afraid to even make the trip (or literally sprinting back and forth from the door to their car when picking up) had me laughing and rolling my eyes. But your story is good reminder that shit can and will happen. The pendulum can easily swing too far.

Take care of yourself.