Everyone should read this post
by NotraDom77 (2021-09-29 19:07:30)

In reply to: Let me join the chorus of those thankful for the outcome.  posted by Moff

Hey Moff, you are spot on with the way you handled the situation and for being observant. See my post above about my experience as a juror in a carjacking trial in Newark. We must live in the same area. The problem with NJ gun laws is that having a loaded gun in your car is a major crime here unless you have a concealed carry permit. And unless you are active and certified retired law enforcement, they are VERY hard to get in this state.
However, like you I have a .357 revolver and 9mm that I keep in the house. We should hit the range sometime. As my police friends have told me,
"We are not the first responders. YOU are!"