Where's the disconnect.
by GoldCoastIrish (2021-10-19 09:48:46)

In reply to: This comment doesn't really jive  posted by elcortez01

I'm not letting an unvaccinated person come within shouting distance of my preemie twins.

This includes my BIL who thinks CoVid is a gov't hoax.

We were informed ahead of delivery that there was a 100% vaccination rate amongst the staff at the hospital we chose (the whole staff, not just the nurses). That put our minds at ease greatly. They gave vaccines to staff for free and time off to recover if needed.

I do care about the vax status of others, as they may still carry the virus and my kids may be exposed. But knowing that they're all vaxxed means the chances, are far, far lower.

You're being disingenuous.